Current publications
Di Gessa, G., & Deindl, C. (2024). Determinants of trajectories of informal caregiving in later life: evidence from England European Journal of Ageing.
Xue, B., King, M., Deindl, C., Lacey, R., Di Gessa, G., & McMunn, A. (2023). Do Health and Well-Being Change Around the Transition to Informal Caring in Early Adulthood? A Longitudinal Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Germany. Journal of Adolescent Health.
King, M. K., Xue, B., Lacey, R., Di Gessa, G., Wahrendorf, M., McMunn, A., & Deindl, C. (2023). Does young adulthood caring influence educational attainment and employment in the UK and Germany? Journal of Social Policy.