EUROCARE: Inequalities in informal caregiving over the adult life course in Europe: social participation, health and the influence of Covid-19
Laufzeit: 15.04.2021-14.04.2024
Funding: JPI (BMBF)
Project partners:
- Anne McMunn, Rebecca Lacey, Giorgio Di Gessa(University College London, London)
- Jeroen Spijker, Mariona Lozano Riera, Elisenda Renteria Perez (Centre d'Estudis Demografics, Barcelona)
- Vegard Skirbekk, Margarete E. Vollrath, Ragnhild Bang Nes, Thomas Hansen (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo)
- Morten Wahrendorf, Valerie Schaps (HHU Düsseldorf)
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.05.2022
Funding: National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
Lead applicant: M. Wahrendorf, Heinrich-Heine University Dusseldorf, project in cooperation with the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR), University of Southern California